The name Wimbly Lu reminds me of whimsical and lulu - 2 things that remind me of a childhood memory. I visited on 2 different occasions with 2 different groups of people and each time I had a different feel about the place. Interesting how company changes everything (like being stuck on a holiday with a sucky travel mate). While the food was really the same both times, who I hung out with changed my take away from each visit.
The first time I was left sitting alone because my friend was almost an hour late. It felt nice actually because the cafe was relatively empty on a Saturday morning and alone time is always welcomed. So I basically sat and did nothing and didn't think of anything much as well. It seems stupid, but did so much to just help me wind down from the work week and allow me to not be in a constant state of rush. I think sometimes I cannot draw a straight line between workday and weekend and it ends up making me very very drained. Need to remember that time wasted is not wasted if it helps to rejuvenate the mind.
The second time, the place was packed and noisy, and so I didn't like the experience as much. I think I tend to get upset a lot especially when my parents put down an idea I have. I then get angry and upset and start wondering whether or not they are just being skeptics, plain disinterested or is my idea really bad. Know what? In my anger I just forgot all about the times they had stood by me, letting me do things my way, letting me learn and fumble and then helping me when I meet with an obstacle or need a push to get things done. Sometimes all it takes is a small simple incident to make you realize how fortunate you really are.
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