Sunday, 5 May 2013

Food - Le Cuisson

2nd May 2013

I much prefer the beginning of months to the end of months. Could be that it signifies, in some ways, new beginnings and being able to start on a fresh sheet. Even if it isn't so, I still feel fresher at the beginning just knowing it's the 1st. It allows me to let go of whatever baggage has been building up over the past month, and is a constant reminder to relax and just let all that unnecessary feelings go. 

For some odd reason J was very chirpy that day. Normally I would be angry with him over that odd reason, but he was just too happy and refreshed I couldn't bring myself to be a wet blanket. On days that I do manage to relax and take things less seriously, I actually find myself smiling a lot more.

X-posted to glutTANs
For our thoughts on all the food that we eat

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