Monday, 1 July 2013

Don't look back in anger

It's interesting to look back and see how you've changed over the years. After a couple of knocks here and there, some unhappy experiences, some heart breaks, people inevitably change.

Funny how the more you try to stand out from the crowd, the more you fade in, and the harder you try to blend in, the more you are noticed.

I'm drawn to people who have a story to tell. It could be about their their art, interest, or just about their mundane everyday life. The beauty of such stories is the realness in it. The lack of pretentiousness. They have nothing to prove.

They just keep on moving forward even if people don't agree with them. They are happy the way they are - leading a very simple life that matters only to them and whoever they're sharing their happiness with.

It's way too tiring to base your self worth on someone else's opinion. That would make you a person of little value as you are only as good as people think you are.

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